The trip back #ItalyAhead2 min read

This is the last post of this series (hopefully) because after Florence, we returned home. Although it was a simple trip by bus again, I think that there are some things to tell (#GoodbyeWindowsPhone)

We left at 9 am. When we started the trip in Strasbourg, we were 33 people (I think including the accompanying teachers). The teachers left after visiting the CERN and another 11 students continued the trip towards Rome so now, we were only 20 persons left in the bus. Another two were dropped off on the way so we arrived with only 18 people in a bus with 50 seats. That meant that even though everybody had two seats for themselves, there were still free rows.

As many of you might know, I love music. Not only that I play the trumpet from time to time, but Spotify is my best friend, too. And my Windows Phone decided at 10 am to destroy itself. I tried everything I could but the only thing left to do to fix my phone was to actually reset it. That’s usually not a problem as I configured a daily cloud backup but after a reset I need at least 2 hours of continuous internet to download all of the apps, music and other data again. So basically, I had a brick in my pocket for the rest of the trip and it wasn’t even my fault! But another reason for my next phone not to be a Windows Phone. The only thing that I could still do is to take pictures with it:

What you see there for the most part is the beautiful sunset that we saw from the bus. The rest of the photos shows the lake of Come where we stopped for our lunch break.

And that was it. That was my/our trip to Italy. And it was great. Although I didn’t write too much about my class mates, they were great and we did many interesting things together so a big big thank you goes out to you and an even bigger thank you goes to the few people who organized the entire trip, it was so great 🙂 And before I leave, two more things:

  1. OneDrive
  2. Happy Easter 🙂


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