Everything started with the first cover image that I created for this blog when I left to France. A friend of mine recommended freepik.com to me, which is a site that offers beautiful vector graphics which gave me a head start. The first covers I created mostly consisted of assets I downloaded from Freepik, but I grew with my tasks and nowadays, there is more to it than just copy-pasting stuff from Freepik. I therefore decided to give my hobby a dedicated place on this website and here we go.
If you have a project that needs a poster or any other kind of advertisement, just contact me through the contact form. Please keep in mind though that I only do this as a hobby.
If you need any of the below graphics in a different resolution or file format, don’t hesitate to contact me through the contact form.

The above-shown works are published under the CC-BY-SA-4.0-license. Generally speaking, this means the following:
- Private and commercial use is allowed for free (I would be glad though if you’d tell me about your project using the contact form).
- You may modify the graphics.
- You must name the author (Frederik Kammel).
- You must state that the graphics are licensed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.
- You must also license your changes under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.
- You must state any changes you made to the original work.
- I am not liable for any damage that occurs to you arising from the use of my works.
I am not a lawyer. In the event of conflicting information, please refer to the original license text which can be found here.
Assets which were taken from Freepik are licensed under the Freepik license.